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We take over the placement of their advertising on n-tv on behalf of our customers. In doing so, we advise them on the selection of suitable formats and the appropriate times for the broadcast of their spots.
Our service usually includes the following steps:
Target group analysis: Analysis of the target groups and identification of the suitable formats on n-tv that best fit this target group.
Budget planning: Based on the target group analysis, we plan your advertising budget and recommend a suitable strategy for placing your TV spots on n-tv.
Obtaining quotes: We obtain quotes from n-tv for the various formats and placement options. The offers usually contain information about the costs for broadcasting, the available times and the coverage of the formats.
Negotiation: We negotiate the best conditions with n-tv for the broadcast of their TV spots in terms of price, airtime and reach.
Booking: After selecting the best formats and placements and negotiating the conditions, we book the desired broadcast times for your TV commercials.
Monitoring and optimization: We monitor the broadcast of your TV advertising and, if necessary, optimize the booking to ensure that the advertising is optimally targeted to the target groups and that the advertising budget is used in the best possible way.
Of course, TV advertising today should only be one component in the overall context. Therefore, you should always seek advice on how best to reach your target groups across all channels.
Media variant: | TV |
Step by step to the optimal service provider
We take you by the hand and optimize your procurement of service providers and agencies and save up to 50% of your budget
Strategy +
valid KPIs
Before purchasing, we work out the strategy and derive the KPIs so that we know what service we need and in which weight class we have to look for the service providers.
As soon as we know who we are looking for, we draw up a list of suitable candidates. To do this, we go on a search - we want the best and not the usual suspects.
We have a standardized procurement process that makes it easy for participants - we want the best, not the ones who understand the procurement process best.
The end result is a service provider who can best solve the challenges and not the one with the best-known name - this saves up to 50% of your budget.
Let us prefinance our services
Together with our financing partners, we have the right solution for you.
We are continuously expanding our service portfolio
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We are available by phone +49 30 887 128 60 from Mon. - Fri. 09:00 - 17:00 (CET).

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